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Friday, 18 October 2013

The Pope Call Me the Harley Father Who Wants My Motorcycle?

NEWS FLASH: Pope Francis is a badass who owns not one, but TWO Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

BIGGER NEWS FLASH: He's auctioning them off for charity.

To get you up to speed, the Holy Father was gifted the two bikes by Harley-Davidson during a biker rally in Rome this summer, when 35,000 Harley enthusiasts rode into town to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the motorcycle company.

Roughly 800 of the riders went to the Vatican for a special blessing from the Pope, and during the event, Pope Frank was gifted two new hogs -- a 2013 Heritage Softail Classic (valued at $20,799) and a 2013 Dyna Super Glide Custom ($16,000).

Now Pope Francis has announced he's auctioning off the first bike to benefit a local homeless shelter. The second bike will also be auctioned off, but a charity hasn't been chosen for that one yet.

As for when the first auction takes place, that hasn't been announced yet either.


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